you four walk through the zombie-filled void, Person leading the way. you eventually end up in an area with no zombies and see a yellow lake up ahead. there's canoes too.

you know the piss lake is trouble and suggest going around it. it then extends indefinitely, making going through it the only option.

as you get close to the lake, Scientist protests that this was a bad idea. you say the red figure might be the way for everything to go back to normal, or at least get some answers. Scientist asks for proof, and you say you've got a hunch. Scientist calls bullshit and gets cut off by Person saying death will come regardless of what's done.

Scientist accuses Person of calling you and them incompetent, to which Person specifies that they're saying every choice leads to the same ending and that you're all just characters made for entertainment. Scientist groans and complains that the last thing they need is a "life is a simulation" guy. Person says it is and gets brushed off by Scientist.

you're intrigued by Person's beliefs until your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of water moving. you look at the lake to see piss zombies emerging.

you tell your acquaintances to get on a boat, Person being the first to go. Scientist tries to run away, but you manage to pull them to the boat.

you and Person paddle as fast as you can while Scientist frantically sprays at zombies. Cop sits still, watching everything happen. eventually, a piss zombie grabs Person's paddle.

it pulls them into the piss lake. Scientist squeals as they sheild themself from the splash and you exclaim a foul word.

Person emerges from the piss and coughs, "I did my job." they sink into the lake as you and Scientist row to shore.

before you can mourn your friend of 8 minutes, piss zombies start attacking your boat the second you stop. you and Scientist hop off the boat, Cop getting dragged out, and run until you see another room.

you shut the door behind yourself and see that this time, it's a bathroom.
Scientist sets Cop in the bathtub and sits on the toilet, out of breath. they also seem frustrated, so you ask if they're okay.

Scientist sighs and hisses that they're not okay. they rant about how stressful the lake was and how they could have died. they blame your idea to go on a search party for someone based on a hunch for the death of another person and the danger they had to endure.

you argue that them blaming it all on you isn't fair because you didn't know any of this would happen.
Scientist calls you stupid because it was obvious bad things were gonna happen once you guys started the little quest.
you tell them everything would eventually go to shit anyways.

you two fight until you run out of things to argue. you two realize this accomplishes nothing and you're both making good points. you each apologize for your behavior.

you sigh and tell them they're right. you thought you were doing your job as a detective when you were really endangering yourself and them. you apologize.

Scientist stays silent for a moment before apologizing as well. they tell you it wasn't your fault and it wasn't fair for them to lash out at you.

before you two can add a kiss to your making up, you hear Cop gurgle at something. you look over at them and see a shit orb leave the drain.